The economy has many Americans depressed this Independence Day. Although this may be justifiable compared with the U.S. economy of Independence Day's of the recent past, let us put our current plight into a proper perspective.
How bad is it really for the majority of Americans? Is it so terrible because may of us no longer easily afford to drive our gas-guzzling SUVs to the corner store? Is it so terrible because many of us can no longer afford a 4,000 square-foot "McMansion"? Is it so terrible because many of us can not afford the latest electronic gadget? Be thankful if you are only inconvenienced by higher commodities prices.
Be thankful that the majority of Americans own their own homes. Be thankful that, even though we are in a mild to moderate recession, nearly 95% of Americans are employed. The grand social democracies of Europe (never mind the rest of the world) wish they had such a low unemployment rate. Be thankful that taxes are not so high that the government confiscates more money than you take home (speak to a European about that). Be thankful that an unelected despot is not planning to destroy your town, business of farm.
The fact is that, even during this economic downturn, life in America is better than ANY place else in the world. Keep that in mind when you are voting this year. Some candidates wish to emulate the very countries who lag behind us.
Have a Happy Independence Day and God Bless America.
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